ART SCIENCE dialogue "Inclusive Knowledge" | Aram Lee, Luisa Schneider & Saskia Duijs

6 October, 2023 | 12 - 2 PM

With museums and universities aiming to change established power structures, what methods are used in art and science to create more inclusive knowledge? In the ART SCIENCE dialogue Inclusive Knowledge we look at how changing research methods and hierarchies can pave the way towards greater inclusivity.

In her work Tropical Objects, Turns artist Aram Lee uses gestural research, a method involving embodied knowledge, to collectively re-read ethnographic objects and unlock the knowledge inherent those objects about possible climate change. Through this method Lee upends traditional power structures implicit in the politics of who is allowed to physically handle art.

Luisa Schneider is Assistant Professor in anthropology and works on issues of gender, intimacy, violence and law. She conducts collaborative fieldwork by engaging with houseless people that have been overlooked in analysis so far. Assistant Professor in Health Sciences Saskia Duijs uses in her research project Negotiating Health, a participatory research method in which the research population (healthcare workers, volunteers and informal caretakers) become involved as co-researchers.

In the overlap between their approaches Lee, Schneider and Duijs pose an interesting alternative to the traditional hierarchies of (scientific) research. If research becomes more inclusive, what is the role of researcher in relation to subject and vice versa?

It is possible to participate online as well at, a website specially created for the exhibition. Please navigate to the embedded live stream and presentation. To access the site you can log in with any username.

The ART SCIENCE dialogues and related exhibition Creating the Commons are organised in collaboration with VU Open Science Programme, Open Science Community Amsterdam (OSCA), Network Institute, LI-MA and Sanneke Huisman.