R.S.O.L. & Status of Reality, 2024
What is the difference between having a job and practicing a profession? The presentation by Ton Kruse - Faculty of In-humanities (with Hans de Wit, Jorieke Rottier, Berend Strik, Lex ter Braak, Wapke Feenstra & Martin La Roche) questions the position of artists within the current economic system.
The installation shows the physical workplace, the studio on the outskirts of the city, as a metaphor for the artist's place in society. What is the nature, effect and meaning of this outsider position? In dialogue with scientists, similarities and differences between the position of artists and scientists are highlighted.
The Faculty of In-humanities consists of artists, scholars and researchers and was founded January 2018 by Dean Ton Kruse. The Faculty is based in R.S.O.L. (Room for the Study Of Loneliness), Deventer, the Netherlands. The Faculty is both a work of art and a genuine, non-institutionalised Faculty of artists, scholars and researchers.
Research of the Faculty is grouped around a variety of subjects, including the place and status of artists and art in contemporary society and the nature, working and meaning of the work of art in general and in particular. Faculty of In-humanties
The presentation in the gallery shows different contributions by artists and writers that investigate the position of art and the artist in society. The presentation consist of photo’s, videos, soundscape, site specific work, flags and banners, books, quotes and archive material, bringing together poetics, imagination and thinking.
The presentation can be seen as a total installation. Part of the installation is Status of Reality 1-4, wherein older work by Ton Kruse, Hans de Wit, Jorieke Rottier, Berend Strik, Lex ter Braak, Wapke Feenstra & Martin La Roche, plays a new role. It involves photos from the series with the same title in the Faculty publication 'Issue', by Suzanne Weenink, Farkhondeh Shahroudi, Tom Putman, Maarten Buser, Sophie Speklé & Laurens Stok. Work and materials in different media from the R.S.O.L. archives play a part as well, with contributions by Sharon Stewart, Eric Giraudet de Boudemange, Roland Kuit & Trevor Batten. Also included are drawings from the collection of Deventer Verhaal / Collection Overijssel by Anna Rudolf, Alida Kruse, Wanda Schaap, Lee Eun Young & Carel Lanters. These were made during the plein-air performance in Constructs of Dwelling (R.S.O.L. 2023) by Wapke Feenstra. Using QR codes, visitors can look up further information about works and parts in this installation.
Int. Register of Loneliness